Net Neutrality Remix by w. fritz tappe is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
For this assignment I decided to remix a song by rapper
Notorious B.I.G. titled “Mo Money Mo Problems” in this instance money has
created. Many road blocks to those who support net neutrality and now those
with money wish to overturn the ruling made by the FCC this past Thursday. By
associating the words of experts over a track that is in the public mind about
that as one accumulates wealth problems are associated with it. This remix was
created to show that money complicates things in the lives of all when it comes
to who has the right to certain levels of internet accesses. Like a gangster
may use money to gain influence over others through the use of the power that
comes from money in political spheres. Net Neutrality may have passed recently
but it is likely to pop up in court more as it faces opposition in court.
<a rel="license"
alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0"
src="" /></a><br
/><span xmlns:dct=""
property="dct:title">Net Neutrality Remix </span> by
<span xmlns:cc=""
property="cc:attributionName">w. fritz tappe</span> is
licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.
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