This is a tumblr page I created that uses the hashtag #learndifferently to serve as a place for people to share their own experiences or opinions on education reform. I shared the tumblr page on my twitter, but it hasn't received much attention. Despite this, I've posted a few things on the tumblr and will continue to do so.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
My twiiter page politicsandpuppypics. As well as the comment a I left on the fcc's website.
Fritz Tappe
Fritz Tappe
#WarnOurGuys and #SwipeOutRapeCulture -- Tinder
I have included my powerpoint that I used to describe my digital activism project. I wanted to get creative and I have heard about a few companies who have used Tinder, a dating/hook up app, to promote an idea. I created the images and slogans myself and went through the process of creating a Facebook to get my pictures on the Tinder account because you need a Facebook account to be connected.
I thought the warning aspect of it was good to not deter guys away immediately. My demographic that I was targeting were college males from 18-24 who I believe is the most important group we should be educating about rape culture, if not earlier. I myself was really unaware of it before this school year and I hope to help educate other guys. They can get educated on the Tumblr I made to share information, quotes, images, etc. I also encourage and call them to use the hashtags I created (#WarnOurGuys and #SwipeOutRapeCulture -- a play on words because you swipe left or right on Tinder) and to screenshot my image and make it their profile picture.
I think it was successful so far because I had matched up with over 50 dudes, which means we both mutually swiped right. I swiped "yes" on everyone and those who swiped "yes" on me were able to message me. A good thing is that anyone who stumbles upon me can see my entire profile without having to swipe right. That way I am still getting awareness out, but those who choose to swipe yes are supporting the cause.
I thought the warning aspect of it was good to not deter guys away immediately. My demographic that I was targeting were college males from 18-24 who I believe is the most important group we should be educating about rape culture, if not earlier. I myself was really unaware of it before this school year and I hope to help educate other guys. They can get educated on the Tumblr I made to share information, quotes, images, etc. I also encourage and call them to use the hashtags I created (#WarnOurGuys and #SwipeOutRapeCulture -- a play on words because you swipe left or right on Tinder) and to screenshot my image and make it their profile picture.
I think it was successful so far because I had matched up with over 50 dudes, which means we both mutually swiped right. I swiped "yes" on everyone and those who swiped "yes" on me were able to message me. A good thing is that anyone who stumbles upon me can see my entire profile without having to swipe right. That way I am still getting awareness out, but those who choose to swipe yes are supporting the cause.
Rachael Frantz Campaign
The tumblr doesn't show all the post so you might have to go to "filter by post type" on the page and click them individually. Then it should show all of my posts I made.
Everyday Mansplaining (Tumblr)
This is a screenshot from my campaign blog:
Cyber Warfare Digital Advocacy Campaign
For my campaign I created a Twitter page and then a campaign due to low participation on my Twitter page. The Twitter page invited people share ways to be prepared for a cyber attack when it happens so that everyone can be prepared for a cyber attack. However, my Twitter account was not very successful so I created a petition so that I could share it on other platforms. I also linked my petition to the Twitter page. I have a very signatures on the petition but would like a lot more. I'm hoping to continue this and to create more awareness and participation. Taylor Stimpson
For my activism project I decided to create posters with the hashtag #weneedspace, I want everyone to share why internet privacy matters to use, my posters also have a description at the bottom. I also shared it on my Facebook.
Share why internet privacy matters to you?
Privacy is a liberty and a privilege. When
people think of the United States they often tend to think of freedom, but our
government is spying on us and denying our rights to privacy. The 4th
amendment states that we have the right to secure in our own privacy, and that
there should not be any unreasonable searches, unless there is probable cause
and a warrant is issued. The government
already has a lot power; with our constitutional rights still active the
government has yet to provide factual information concerning our privacy. The
NSA records our emails, phone calls, Facebook post. They are abusing the power
they have in order to spy on us and we need our privacy!
For my activism project, I wanted to use Show Your Power, a mobile application that I have been working on for months now. Show Your Power (SYP) has a webpage,, and corresponding Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even its own YouTube channel. Show Your Power is a social media platform that aims to strengthen American Democracy by promoting young citizens’ voter engagement and participation in the political process. It seeks to accomplish these goals by informing citizens of the enormous power they possess in their right to vote and to speak directly to their elected officials as individuals and groups, while inspiring them to stand up for the political and social issues that they care about most. The platform is particularly focused on youth and urban communities, given the vital need to expand the voter engagement and political participation of these communities. Our motto is “Show your power. If you don’t, someone will.”
We encourage and support empowered citizens who have passions about specific policies (Like Divest DU and its petition) and are looking for more awareness and support for their causes. SYP will be promote progressive action on political/social causes, uniting individuals across different races, communities, and even political parties on the issues that a majority of citizens support. Using these social media platforms we also encouraged the use of the hashtag #ShowYourPower, while supporting a cause or political issues that the individual is passionate about. This enables more awareness for SYP, the political/social issue at hand, and will give people the means to hold their politicians accountable to the voice of the empowered and united.
(Website design, users can sign up using their email to join the platform and stay in tune to the issues that they customized to their passions)
(Divest DU- one of the campaigns SYP supports, uniting students across not just DU's campus but around other similar campaigns occurring on other campuses)
(Easy maneuverability between social media platforms, encouraging citizens to take action by posting photos of their own activism/ political passions by using the hashtag #ShowYourPower)
For my activism project, I created a twitter page calling student-athletes to take the pledge against domestic violence and begin the discussion at DU. I also asked student-athletes to promote their use of the twitter page and to spread it throughout the student-athlete community. I have also included links to in all of our tweets and our bio on the page. the hope is to use prominent student-athletes to promote awareness for domestic violence. Also, I can use the page to spread information about domestic violence and help raise awareness.
I created a twitter account to spread awareness on online sexual harassment and urged individuals to take part in #FlagItDontPassIt. If you're scrolling the internet and see a comment depicting online sexual harassment instead of ignoring it, report it or flag it. While this action is simple it's inclusive and takes the power away from those making the violent statements. If enough people engage in this action inappropriate comments will be deleted and harmful users could potentially be banned from sites.
I also created another hashtag: #ItsAReflectionOnYou. This one allows individuals to share their own stories and views on the matter and places responsibility on the perpetrator rather than the victim of online sexual harassment.
As for promotional efforts, I have posted my twitter on facebook and interacted with numerous twitter accounts to get people's attention and invite them to join the #FlagItDontPassIt action.
Here is the link to the twitter account:
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Teacher Support Group:
Parent Support Group:
Pinterest Board: Teacher Edition:
Pinterest Board: Parent Edition:
These are the hyperlinks to all of my campaign pages!
Parent Support Group:
Pinterest Board: Teacher Edition:
Pinterest Board: Parent Edition:
These are the hyperlinks to all of my campaign pages!
Man Not Machine Digital Advocacy Campaign
Website: Twitter:
The aim of my campaign was to educate the general public on a
complex issue that remains relatively hidden from the public eye. For my
campaign, I decided to create a website ( with
educational information on the debate against transhumanism. On the front page,
I titled the page “Man Not Machine” which is the title of my entire campaign.
As a description of the campaign I state “In a world where our technology
already serves as an extension of ourselves, how long will it be until we cease
to be human and let the machine take over?”. There is also a button inviting
visitors to join the campaign, taking them to the twitter page of the campaign. On my Twitter ( piece of
the campaign, this page served as a living and dynamic page, updating with
videos, pictures and posts, with both sides of the issue. I followed many
different profiles, ranging from medical and technological personnel, to
different media outlets. On each of my posts, I posted the hash tag
#mannotmachine to promote the name of the campaign. I have a link to my website
as well a small description of the campaign in the Twitter profile “With the
impending technological advances, educate yourselves on the transhumanist
movement. To keep our humanity, we must remember that we are man, not machine”. I chose to create a
website, as it provided me more freedom to speak on the educational piece as
well as give clear definitions and central domain. The Twitter feed allowed
more of a spread of information with the connectivity and exposure Twitter
allows. Twitter also allowed more of an active and working resource feed to my
Monday, March 9, 2015
Digital Activism Campaign - List of Best Practices
Digital Activism Campaigns - Best Practices
- Use of Humor
- Interactive
- Hashtag
- Applicable to multiple media platforms
- Sharable
- Timely
- Tied to an action
- Online Petition (
- Sharable graphics
- Political appeals
- Providing participants with necessary materials
- Physical action + digital documentation (i.e. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge)
- Relates to the issue
- Donations to an organization that intervenes with your issue
- Encouragement of creativity and appropriation
- Kickstarters
- Contacting decision makers
- Diverse representation
- Backed by known organization
- Use of well known figure
- Graphic content
- Appeal to emotions
- Use of personal narrative
- Use of familiar visual tropes (i.e. political campaigns)
- Online/offline convergence
- Merchandise
- Signs
- Signifiers
- Encouraging creativity
- Simplicity in use of symbols
- Allyship
- Curiosity, element of mystery
- Link to external references/resources
- Raising awareness
- Likes, retweets, impressions, etc.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Digital Activism Project
Digital Activism Final Project (200 pts) - choose an issue that you feel passionate about, and create a digital activism campaign that uses digital communications platforms to raise awareness, organize community voices and/or mobilize action around the issue. Think about: the social capital of the way you use digital platforms; how your digital campaign may translate to on-the-ground change; how to use media to add a new voice to the mix, or amplify voices/perspectives that have been previously silenced.
- In-Class Presentation (50 pts): 5 min on: your issue’s background, your campaign creation process, evidenced and foreseen impacts of your campaign
- Final Paper (75 pts): 1000-1500 words on:
your issue’s background
why you chose it
historical/cultural/political factors shaping its current implications
previous digital campaigns relating to it
your campaign creation process
what is your unique perspective
how is your campaign unique/different from other similar campaigns
what platforms did you use and why
challenges/successes in the campaign's creation
evidenced and foreseen impacts of your campaign
what is the social capital of the way you used digital platforms
what are the markers of evaluation for success
what has happened so far in the digital public’s response
what is the potential for growth
theoretical/conceptual connections from classwhat are class concepts that you thought about/integrated
how does your topic/campaign relate to TD v SC debate
how has this project changed/reinforced your position in the TD v SC debate - Campaign “Materials”/Digital Artifacts (75 pts):
Content constitutes unique perspective/information/story/take on the issue (i.e. you are not replicating a campaign that has already been done).Evidence of promotion of campaignClear action for digital citizens to take is providedCampaign informs audience about the topic/issue, makes a compelling case for taking an action on behalf of it, indicates understanding of historical/political/cultural significance of the issue/Appropriate use of media (style/creativity) - Due on our Final day - 3.23.15, 2pm
Monday, March 2, 2015

Another Brick in the ABC by Max Robertson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
For this assignment I decided to remix the songs "Another Brick in the Wall - Eric Prydz Remix" by Pink Floyd and the song "ABC - A. Skillz Remix" by the Jackson 5. I used images to convey a message to the audience, through the use of Another Brick in the Wall, that standardized testing is a negative aspect of our current education system and to juxtapose this position I then transition to ABC and show positive images of how education can be fun and exciting. I took my own liberties in interpreting the messages of both songs and attempted to convey this through the use of imagery.

Net Neutrality Remix by w. fritz tappe is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
For this assignment I decided to remix a song by rapper
Notorious B.I.G. titled “Mo Money Mo Problems” in this instance money has
created. Many road blocks to those who support net neutrality and now those
with money wish to overturn the ruling made by the FCC this past Thursday. By
associating the words of experts over a track that is in the public mind about
that as one accumulates wealth problems are associated with it. This remix was
created to show that money complicates things in the lives of all when it comes
to who has the right to certain levels of internet accesses. Like a gangster
may use money to gain influence over others through the use of the power that
comes from money in political spheres. Net Neutrality may have passed recently
but it is likely to pop up in court more as it faces opposition in court.
<a rel="license"
alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0"
src="" /></a><br
/><span xmlns:dct=""
property="dct:title">Net Neutrality Remix </span> by
<span xmlns:cc=""
property="cc:attributionName">w. fritz tappe</span> is
licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.
This is my Remix Assignment video, a simple remix of Michael Jackson's heal The world , with some funny picture adding, too telling how bad the internet is nowadays. and we should change and heal the internet. hope you enjoy this fun little video.

Heal The Internet by Pengfei Ji is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Highland's Remix Project

What Cyber Bullying Really Does by Highland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Brief Description:
The image of the man standing on the outside of the Golden Gate Bridge is originally from the movie "The Bridge"-- a documentary about people who commit suicide by jumping of the bridge. The comments all come from two videos I found on Youtube where an overweight woman sings popular songs; they are real examples of Cyber Bullying. For my Remix Assignment I decided to combine these two things to show what really happens when people cyber bully, the real affects it has; I placed the comments from Youtube on the picture, around the man, to represent that people really do go to the lengths of killing themselves from the bullying they receive online. The process was relatively tedious because I had to hunt down the youtube comments, screenshot them, and then edit them to put them on the photo.
Blame it - Remix
Blame it -- Remix assignment from Michael Gooch on Vimeo.

Blame It Remix by Michael is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
For my remix, I chose to use the
original media content of Jamie Foxx's song “Blame It (On The
Alcohol)” and DU's new video campaign to prevent sexual assault
called “It's On Us”. My topic is about sexual assault and rape
culture on college campuses. I thought that the song by Foxx promoted
rape culture with its lyrics and the DU video did the opposite.I
think by mixing the two, I was able to have the meaning say something
else. The seriousness of the clips from the ad campaign mixed in with
the sketchiness of the music video allows the viewer to take it more
seriously and actually think about what the words are saying. I used
Adobe Premier video editing software and it took me quite some time
to understand how to work the editing process but I tried to make the
transitions smooth. I originally was just going to use the audio but
I felt that seeing the actions that the song promoted, intertwined
with students speaking against it helped my message.

Why China block Youtube? 由 CYY 创作,采用 知识共享 署名 4.0 国际 许可协议进行许可。
This is a remix video about Why China block Youtube thing. I went to the Chinese video website call "Youku", which is really popular in China. I downloaded some videos which are on the best list on Youku website, and remix them with some normal funny videos on Youtube. From the comparison, the videos on Youtube are so much more fun than the ones on Youku. As a Chinese, who is studying in the USA now, I really think Youtube is fun and worldwide expanded. There are so much information and interesting culture on Youtube for people to share, so it is a loss that China blocks Youtube. I wish one day the China government would approve Youtube website in the country.
Dannie's Remix Project
My final project is about Instagram hashtag censorship and Instagram eating disorder communities. I know that these communities exist within and outside of the digital world, and so I wanted to remix media content to show how the two collide. I took two original magazine covers (Women’s Health magazine) and altered some of the headlines. I know that on Instagram, people with pro-anorexia accounts often post pictures that are very similar to the photographs of the thin women on magazine covers as “thinspiration.” I therefore believe they are influenced by these magazines. What I found most interesting is that it is difficult to distinguish between the written content that I produced, and that which was on the original versions. I removed some of the headlines, and wrote some that are common phrases within these Instagram communities. To connect this to Instagram, I then added the “content advisory” that is shown where searching anorexia-related hashtags on Instagram. I did this to imply that these magazines should come with warnings too because they contain graphic content and may lead to eating disorders.

Not Women's Health by Danielle McCullough is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Seydel's Message to Humanity (G Eazy: Get Away Remix)

The Great Dictator's Message to Humanity (G Eazy: Get Away Remix) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
The Great Dictator’s Message to Humanity remix project is my
mix tape of Charlie Chaplin’s speech in the movie, The Great Dictator
and G Eazy’s Get Away Instrumental.
This specific remix is a modern adaptation critically focusing on “the
programmers” of society, the elite who are controlling technology that could be
used to solve our world’s problems, but is instead commoditized. Our greed has influenced
technology to give us everything we want, but not what humanity truly needs. In
his original speech in the 1940 film, Charlie Chaplin sends a message to
humanity whose meaning translates across generations. The instrumental
represents a modern, hip-hop twist to Chaplin’s words, while the images and
short cuts of footage personifies and helps show how Chaplin’s message about
technology is still relatable to present day. In order to preserve our future,
the speech urges us to use technology as a means to spread compassion and
positive progression. He further warns
of what technology can be used for such as weaponry and its other negative
influences on humanity, but leaves the audience with the message for humanity
to unite as a species, to irradiate poverty, avoid environmental degradation,
educate all children, and give everyone an opportunity as a high quality of
life. Using Adobe Pro and my DJay 2 application on my IPhone I was able to mix
the speech to the Get Away instrumental, using 3 different YouTube videos for
my final cut. Overall, I enjoyed the project and now I know how to upload videos to YouTube! Great class project!
Rachael Frantz Technology Motivators

Technology Motivators by rachael frantz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
What is Cyber Terrorism Remix Assignment

What is Cyber Terrorism by Taylor Stimpson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
My topic is Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism and attempting to raise awareness about the fact that this issue exists and is not a phenomena of the future, it is happening now. I chose to remix a documentary called Definition of Terrorism done by The Bridges Foundation, with photos and a video from the hacker group Anonymous. I did this in an attempt to get people to think about hacking as a form of terrorism. I tried to put the pictures in mostly whenever the word terrorism was used to get people to associate these images. We need to come up with a hard definition of cyber warfare and cyber terrorism and this is also a step towards that process. The process of mixing these sources was interesting for me because I am not good with technology and finding the perfect place and the perfect cut was difficult. I had to cut things many times to try and make it so that it was not in the middle of a sentence. Also finding a good length for the project was hard because I could have gone on for a whole ten minutes remixing this project because there were so many different avenues I could choose to go down. I found it vert liberating and exciting when I was finally done thought because I felt like I accomplished something really cool.
Internet privacy

Internet Privacy by Yvonne Pham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
My remix contains contents from Youtube, like the documentaries, and the song privacy by Michael Jackson, ABC news, and graphics from Google. I wanted to inform people about the importance of privacy in the United States, and let people know why they should care. Privacy affects all of of us in many different ways. I wanted to put together many different clips and media to make it serious but also kind of fun so that anyone who wants to understand it can. That is why I included clips from the song by Michael jackson because like many celebrities we also want our privacy. I cut our many clips and only used what I wanted, and I also changed the speed and the pitch of some of it.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Man Not Machine

Man Not Machine by Madeleine Alvarado is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
My remix assignment was focused on prosthetic technology. Amputees are given a chance to accomplish normal human function through the advancements in medical and prosthetic technology. However, these advancements have become so novel and caught the eye of the able bodied. Some scientists believe that the human body is obsolete and inefficient. Cybernetics look to replace what makes us human and make us advanced superhuman machines. I found video clips of many amputees who have benefitted from prosthetic advancements, allowing them to complete basic tasks such as walking or playing the drums. I contrasted these clips with more radical and weaponized integration of technology into humans, both scientific and Hollywood images. I advocate for prosthetics to allow the disabled to reacquire natural human function, and I advocate against cybernetics on able bodied individuals. I used iMovie to edit the youtube clips collected.

What Cyber Bullying Really Does by Highland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
I am focusing on Cyber Bullying and I decided to reveal the darker reality behind it. The image of the man standing on the outside of the Golden Gate Bridge is originally from the movie "The Bridge"-- a documentary about people who commit suicide by jumping of the bridge. The comments all come from two videos I found on Youtube where an overweight woman sings popular songs; they are real examples of Cyber Bullying. I decided to combine these two things to show what really happens when people cyber bully, the real affects it has; I placed the comments from Youtube on the picture, around the man, to represent that people really do go to the lengths of killing themselves from the bullying they receive online. The process was relatively tedious because I had to hunt down the youtube comments, screenshot them, and then edit them to put them on the photo.
Mansplaining (News Media Remix)

Mansplaining (News Media Remix) by Emily Krebs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This video is primarily a compilation of broadcast news clips. Their sources vary (FOX, MSNBC, CNN, etc.) but they all show men explaining— “mansplaining”— the alleged realities of the world to women.
This video is primarily a compilation of broadcast news clips. Their sources vary (FOX, MSNBC, CNN, etc.) but they all show men explaining— “mansplaining”— the alleged realities of the world to women.
To change this from a mere compilation to a remix, I took two clips of men telling women how to [ironically] overcome mansplaining, then proceeded to show women attempting to do just that— of course to no avail. I took the notion that women are just ‘not assertive enough’ and flipped it on its head, instead showing the greater reality that their voices are devalued regardless of their temperament.
To produce this video, I collected clips from YouTube as well as images from Time Magazine’s cover galleries, then combined them using Final Cut Pro.
Remix Assignment (Warning: violent and sexual language in images)

For my assignment I decided to tackle the issue of online sexual harassment. I wanted to place the responsibility and pressure on the perpetrator rather than the victim. I am remixing the identity of the perpetrator. Instead of seeing their own reflection they are forced to examine the reflections of their words and actions. No what their appearance on the outside is their internal self and online image begin to converge.
To convey this message I found images of people looking into mirrors, drew over any watermarks or previous texts, cut out their reflections, and replaced the reflections with comments I found on various websites (youtube, 4chan, reddit, YikYak, and facebook) demonstrating online sexual harassment. I used the program FireAlpaca (similar to photoshop) to create all three of the images. The process of finding the comments was emotionally exhausting to say the least. My idea of a good night usually does not involve actively looking for such demeaning and violent comments. However, my experience in compiling the images together and formatting the comments was difficult but enjoyable once I got the hang of it.
images hosted on flickr:

Combat Online Sexual Harassment by Catherine Wadley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Google is bad by Nicholas Hazard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This my remix project I decided to focus around data mining and more so how and why big companies like Google are taking our personal information. For this project I really wanted to juxtapose Americans perceptions of freedom and personal privacy with what is really going on with all our data and information. I believe the first step for positive chance is to get awareness first. Nothing can happen until the American public truly knows what is happening to their personal information and data. For this I started with. To begin the assignment I found a Mitt Romney ad that showed images of the beauty and strength of American. This acts as the visual aspects of the assignment. For the audio I got a wide range of clips regarding Google how their data collecting policies. I also coupled this with a song called big brother is watching you. To edit all this I used IMovie on my mac, the process was fairly simple and straightforward. I wanted this video to be a harsh awaking of the reality of the situation.
For my Remix Assignment, I wanted to incorporate the ideas of environmental news, along with other news sources, while highlighting the actual lack of environmental news there is today in the media. Today, it seems as if we can only find celebrity news, crime based news, etc., with a huge lack of environmental news on mountains, state parks, and more. The goal of my piece was to highlight the overwhelming emphasis within the media that other popular culture news highlights, along with the minuscule highlight on environmental news. This is an issue that could be addressed through a comical remix assignment, addressing the satire behind this project proposal about the media.
International License</a>.

Our Media Today is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Climate Change is Not a Debate by Emma Kaplan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
For this assignment I focused on the topic of climate change. This is a topic that I think is one of the most important issue or world is facing today, however it is also one of the most debated. Although over the past few years it has become somewhat less controversial there are still many people (politicians, scientists, and citizens alike) who do not believe that humans contribute to the growing issue of climate change. I used a series of clips from news reports, documentaries, and political speeches to create my message that climate change is a fact and not a debate. This assignment was difficult because I had to find a way to remix the media to get my specific message across. It was also difficult beyond that because I had to watch countless clips of well-respected figures express their disagreement with the issue of climate change. I hope that this assignment will get my message out there and get people talking and acting on a very important and urgent issue.
Gaia Altshuler "Monopoly: Technology Edition"

Technology Monopoly by Gaia Altshuler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The argument for my final paper is that the "art of play & imagination" in childhood has been lost dues to the advancements of technology, which in turn has changed parenting styles. For my remix assignment, I remixed the board game, Monopoly. Board games were a great part of my childhood and it is also something that I feel like is disappearing amongst childhood. By remixing Monopoly, I emphasized that technology has taken over the art of play in childhood. I did this by selling APPS instead of HOUSES, and the whole game revolves around how technology has hindered imagination and parenting because now kids have instant entertainment. I will be explaining the different parts of this game in greater detail in class. I really enjoyed this assignment, as it made us use our creativity and look at our topic through another critical lens.
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