Sunday, January 11, 2015

Meme Lineage Report (Assignment)

Meme Lineage Report (100 pts): Find an internet meme (this can be of humorous/political/activist/serious nature) and research the possible origins/influential forces or ideas as well as its impacts/imitations. A good place to start is Note not only the shaping forces or iterations that took place within the digital public sphere, but also those that took place offline. This is especially important when looking at originating factors of memes, because memes are often a product of historical/political/cultural artifacts or events that took place long before digital technology existed.

  • Written Report (50 pts): 750-1000 words on: Historical/Political/Cultural Origins; Emergence within the Digital Sphere; and Online/Offline Iterations and Impacts
    • 10 pts - Comprehensive report of meme's origin
    • 10 pts - Correct identification of digital platforms that distributed the meme
    • 10 pts - Understanding of how online and offline cultures converge
    • 10 pts - Correct/consistent citation of sources (can be any citation style, but see for APA guide)
    • 10 pts - Conclusion that includes one or more of the following: a.) why it matters; b.) how your report relates to larger themes of the class; c.) how it relates to the technological determinism v. social construction debate
  • In-Class Presentation (50 pts): 5 minute overview of the meme’s lineage, using at least one instance of visual communication (i.e. diagram, chart, timeline, link, video, still image)
    • 10 pts - Comprehensive report of meme's origin
    • 10 pts - Correct identification of digital platforms that distributed the meme
    • 10 pts - Understanding of how online and offline cultures converge
    • 10 pts - Conclusion that includes one or more of the following: a.) why it matters; b.) how your report relates to larger themes of the class; c.) how it relates to the technological determinism v. social construction debate
    • 10 pts - Effective use of visual aids

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