Saturday, February 28, 2015

Creative Commons License
Climate Change is Not a Debate by Emma Kaplan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

For this assignment I focused on the topic of climate change. This is a topic that I think is one of the most important issue or world is facing today, however it is also one of the most debated. Although over the past few years it has become somewhat less controversial there are still many people (politicians, scientists, and citizens alike) who do not believe that humans contribute to the growing issue of climate change. I used a series of clips from news reports, documentaries, and political speeches to create my message that climate change is a fact and not a debate. This assignment was difficult because I had to find a way to remix the media to get my specific message across. It was also difficult beyond that because I had to watch countless clips of well-respected figures express their disagreement with the issue of climate change. I hope that this assignment will get my message out there and get people talking and acting on a very important and urgent issue.

Gaia Altshuler "Monopoly: Technology Edition"

Creative Commons License
Technology Monopoly by Gaia Altshuler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The argument for my final paper is that the "art of play & imagination" in childhood has been lost dues to the advancements of technology, which in turn has changed parenting styles.  For my remix assignment, I remixed the board game, Monopoly. Board games were a great part of my childhood and it is also something that I feel like is disappearing amongst childhood. By remixing Monopoly, I emphasized that technology has taken over the art of play in childhood. I did this by selling APPS instead of HOUSES, and the whole game revolves around how technology has hindered imagination and parenting because now kids have instant entertainment. I will be explaining the different parts of this game in greater detail in class. I really enjoyed this assignment, as it made us use our creativity and look at our topic through another critical lens.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Power Rangers Remix Project

For this Remix Assignment I took a clip from a Power Ranger episode and mocked the idea of the influence weapons and violence have on children by watching children’s shows. The original clip showed two average teens who suddenly became super heroes (power rangers) and were learning how to use their new powers. In one scene one the male characters shoots his gun off and nearly misses his friends head, this caught my eye and I decided to put a clip of a real life news report of a little boy who accidently picked up a gun at home ad shot his sister in the mouth. Portraying real life situations and making fun of the ignorance in these shows seems very beneficial and it brought a lot of knowledge to me. I believe after doing this project that there should be more attention and light on this subject for they are very dangerous and these children’s shows are not always teaching the lessons we think.

Creative Commons License

Cassidy Rey Power Rangers Remix by Cassidy Rey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Based on a work at

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Oliver Brown Remix Assignment

For this remix, I turned to the NFL speechless ads about domestic violence and decided to add some other clips to make the message completely different. In adding huge hits from NFL games and an image from USA Football about concussion awareness, this remix quickly changes meaning. The sequence of clips portrays a message about raising awareness for player safety and concussion awareness. Ultimately, I found this experience difficult. It was hard to find a way to remix around an ad which originally served as a PSA for domestic violence. The only message that should be displayed about domestic violence is that it is terrible and should never happen. Therefore, in order to remix around the subject matter, i had to change the meaning of the ad entirely. In the end, I'm happy with the way the video turned out and really enjoyed working with video editing software.

Creative Commons License
NFL speechless REMIX by Oliver Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Remix Defense Assignment

Remix Defense Assignment (100 pts): You have been charged with Intellectual Property Violation regarding your earlier remix project. Prepare a defense (250-500 words) for your case and submit it to Canvas (we will talk about it as a large group in class). To build your argument, look to the points made in “RIP: Remix Manifesto” and any of Lessig’s TED talks that talk about the current copyright laws as well as Tim Wu's writing on Fair Use, and the applicability (or lack thereof) of the laws in relation to the digital public sphere.

Due Wed March 4th by the start of class

Remix Manifesto Debrief

  • Manifesto
    • Culture always builds on the past
      • i.e. folk culture
    • The past always tries to control the future
      • recording industry, copyright
    • Our future is becoming less free 
      • do you agree?
    • To build free societies you must limit the control of the past
      • is doing remix an act of activism?

  • “It’s part of evolution” - how does this relate to our study of memes?
    • “We have a mouse disease” 
    Why is a critical take on capitalism important to this issue?
    • What used to be free culture is now used as a means for corporations to make a profit - everything can be commodified in a society ruled by the “free” market
    • Culture Jamming - corporations don’t ask us if we want to hear their pitches, why should we ask them?
      • Culture jamming (sometimes guerrilla communication) is a tactic used by many anti-consumerist social movements to disrupt or subvert media culture and its mainstream cultural institutions, including (but not limited to) corporate advertising. It attempts to "expose the methods of domination" of a mass society to foster progressive change. Culture jamming is a form of subvertising. Many culture jams are intended to expose questionable political assumptions behind commercial culture. Tactics include re-figuring logos; fashion statements; and product images as a means to challenge the idea of "what's cool." Culture jamming often entails using mass media to produce ironic or satirical commentary about itself, commonly using the original medium's communication method."

    Wednesday, February 18, 2015

    Visual Tutorial: Ripping YouTube Videos and Posting with Creative Commons License

    Part I: Ripping YouTube Videos

    • Start in Mozilla Firefox browser
    • From the Menu, select Tools > Add Ons

    • On the left-hand tab, select "Get Add Ons" then search "Flash Video Downloader" in the upper-right-hand search bar (you can also search "YouTube Downloader" which will give you different results but most of them work just fine).

    • For the Extension/Add-On that I use and like, go to the bottom of your search results and click "see all 394 results"

      • The first result in the new window will be "Flash Video Downloader" (with a blue arrow) - click on "Add to Firefox" then select "Install" when a window pops up to prompt you

      • Restart Firefox
      • Once you've restarted the browser, when you go to YouTube you will see a blue arrow to the right of the URL window. Click on this when you've visited a particular video's page and you will see various options for file types to download. *Note: you may want to  always select "Low" versions of mp4s to be safe and not take up too much space on your computer.

      Part Two - Selecting/Posting a Creative Commons License
      • Go to Licenses > Choose a License

      • Fill in the two left boxes with your preferences for what you will allow audiences to do with your work (adaptations means people can remix your work, commercial use means people can use your work/adaptations of your work for profit)

      • Copy the code in the bottom-right box 

      • Go to > select "Communication in the Digital Age" from your blogs (this will only work if you accepted my invitation to contribute to the blog -- if you can't get permission to contribute to the blog, simply email me your link and the code for your license and I will post it for you)

      • Select "New Post" - the orange button in the top left

      • Select the "HTML" button that is in the upper left corner

      • Once you've posted the link/embed code to your media, paste the code for the creative commons license AFTER the link:

      • Once you tab back to "compose" in the top left, you will see the CC License

      • Hit "Publish" -- You may give your brief (100 word) reflection on the experience either within the post, in a comment, or on Canvas. Then you're done!

      Monday, February 16, 2015

      Remix Best Practices

      • Use of cultural icons 
        • Referencing original
      • Production value (high/low)
        • Don't need expensive software
      • Prominent figure
      • Short
      • Animals - relates to wide audience
      • Syncing of different media elements
        • Importance of good editing
      • Funny/humorous
      • Low production value - relatable/attainable
      • Stupid/smart
      • Element of surprise
      • Puns
      • Mocking
        • Especially prominent figures
      • Incongruity
        • Recontextualizing
      • Establishes ingroup/outgroup through the media references
      • Timely (reflects current events)
      • Speaks to a specific audience

      Remix Assigment

      Remix Assignment (100 pts): Create an original expression of ideas/feelings/beliefs using appropriated piece(s) of media - this can be songs, videos, images, text, etc. We will go over open-source tools for creating re-appropriated media in class, as well as ways to create and link to your remix’s web presence. Register with Creative Commons ( to license your and allow adaptations of your work to be shared. Post, embed, and link to the class blog along with a description of: your remix’s original media content, the unique perspective that you have added to it/them, and the creative process of remixing that you underwent to produce it.


      • Topic is relevant to student's Final Project Proposal (20 pts)
      • Critical message is both present and understandable from the media without further explanation (20 pts)
      • Creativity/Style (20 pts)
      • Student used the re-appropriated materials to say something new (i.e. unique from the message of the original content) (20 pts)
      • Publicly posted, Creative Commons Licensed, Brief Explanation given (20 pts)
      TOTAL = 100 pts

      Media Tools, Day 1

      Wednesday, February 4, 2015

      Link to Mid-Term Evaluation Survey

      Please answer as descriptively and honestly as possibly: Survey link

      5 extra credit points to the entire class if we reach 100% response rate.

      Tuesday, February 3, 2015

      Wikipedia Assignment + How To Edit Wikipedia

      Wikipedia Assignment (100 pts): Contribute at least one piece of cited information to a Wikipedia page that you find lacking. We will be going over how to edit Wikipedia in class, but it is your responsibility to ensure that your information maintains academic integrity through verifiably cited sources. Take a screenshot of your contribution (wiki pages get edited quickly) and post it to the class blog, along with a brief description of your process. Throughout the quarter, note the changes that occur to your entry.

      Due Monday 2.9.15 at 2pm (file upload available on Canvas)

      How to Edit Wikipedia