Monday, January 26, 2015

Conceptual Speed Dating

Conceptual Speed Dating
  • Inner circle/outer circle
  • Each Pair gets 4 minutes
    • Each person must take turns explaining their proposal, and alternatively contributing suggestions to their partner about the following:
  1. How to refine the topic
  2. How to apply the topic to the two remaining mid-quarter assignments
    1. Wikipedia Assignment: Contribute at least one piece of cited information to a Wikipedia page that you find lacking. We will be going over how to edit Wikipedia in class, but it is your responsibility to ensure that your information maintains academic integrity through verifiably cited sources.
    2. Remix Assignment: Create an original expression of ideas/feelings/beliefs using appropriated piece(s) of media - this can be songs, videos, images, text, etc. 
  3. Ideas for advocacy campaign, including action created for other digital citizens to take on behalf of your issue/topic
  • Gong will ring at 2 minutes - conclude your discussion and begin talking about the other participant’s project
  • 15 seconds to switch partners - inner circle will move clockwise one chair
  • Repeat - you will end up doing this process with 4 different people

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